Monday, June 18, 2007


It is entirely possible that my bout of "crafter's block" is over. I've had every excuse in the book as to why I haven't created a single thing in over a know, the usual litany of too tired, too stressed, too busy, too whatever ad nauseum! Well, I took a 5 day weekend and was determined to have something to show for it. I wound up with 6 somethings!!!

The first 5 are actually hanging basket houseplants that I whipped up for our sunroom (3 more to go but need to get more pots first). You see, Mom & I have potted up live plants for that sunroom about 20 times, no exaggeration! We only walk right past the sunroom umpteen times a day and do you think we could manage to water the poor plants? Nope. I hate to think about how many plants we've killed this way. Anyway, a while back I suggested to Mom that silks might be the answer and she finally said "do it." Well, let me tell you they look great and there's no watering and therefore, no guilt. :)

Then I managed to make this green & burgundy creation which is a bit wild. It will be off to the salon in the near future where I hope someone will like it enough to give it a good home. I'm pleased to report that two of my previously posted creations were sold...the Bird Cage & Then there were Fronds.

I've just got to keep the momentum going....



Blogger Heidi said...

Congrats on the sales!

6/19/07, 10:47 AM  
Blogger Jodi Ohl said...

Well, Missy, you better keep the momentum going with that Michael's foray I caught you in RED HANDED!

Congrats on your sales! I love the names of your creation-Then there were Fronds (and the design)!

I'm glad you had a productive "five day weekend"...LOL I need one of those--I mean, I have a vacay coming up but I am going away. Sometimes, it's good just to stay home and get caught up and unwind!


6/21/07, 11:08 PM  

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